<% response.redirect("https://forms.doublestruck.co.uk/") %> <% page = "order" %> <% session("site") = "s" response.Write("") Tbl_packprice = 0 Subtotal = 0 MfLprods = 0 'if 3 or more, 20% discount is applied packagerows = "
" MYSQL = "EXEC WEB_GetOnlineCart @array='" & session("cartArray") & "'" rs.Open MYSQL, Conn if not rs.EOF then While NOT rs.eof Tbl_description = rs("description") Tbl_packageid = rs("packageid") Tbl_packname = rs("Name") Tbl_updprice = rs("updateprice") Tbl_packprice = rs("price") Tbl_loyaltyprice = rs("loyaltyprice") Tbl_productID = rs("productID") Tbl_user = rs("defaultUserCount") Tbl_xtraUser = rs("extrauserprice") Tbl_familyID = rs("familyID") infoBtn = "" 'Any mention of Exampro is removed to avoid needless repetition Tbl_packname = "" & Replace(rs("Name"),"Exampro","") & "" dropdown = "" 'here we check if the Update button has been clicked. if it has then a new session is created from the drop-down value, if not (if the schools contact form is submitted and returns an error), the old session remains if request("updFormBtn" & Tbl_packageid) = "update" then session("extrasInput" & Tbl_packageid)= request("extrasDrop" & Tbl_packageid) else session("extrasInput" & Tbl_packageid)= session("extrasInput" & Tbl_packageid) end if session("extrasPrice" & Tbl_packageid) = session("extrasInput" & Tbl_packageid) * Tbl_xtraUser quantArray = quantArray & "," & session("extrasInput" & Tbl_packageid) if Left(quantArray,1) = "," then quantArray = Right(quantArray, Len(quantArray) -1) if Right(quantArray,1) = "," then quantArray = Left(quantArray, Len(quantArray) -1) if InStr(session("cartArray"),Tbl_productID) > 0 then cartCheck = "" else cartCheck = "" end if rs.MoveNext '========== begin MfL stuff 'count how many MfLprods have been ordered. Discount if 3 or more, but not tracker if( (Tbl_familyID = 5) and (Tbl_productID <> "PK_EP_146") ) then MfLprods = MfLprods + 1 end if if (Tbl_productID = "PK_EP_142") or (Tbl_productID = "PK_EP_143") or (Tbl_productID = "PK_EP_145") then Tbl_user = "" end if if(Tbl_productID = "PK_EP_146") then Tbl_user = "250MB" packagerows = packagerows & "
" packagerows = packagerows & "
" & infoBtn & "
" & Tbl_packname & "
" & Tbl_user & "
£" & Tbl_packprice & "
" & cartcheck & "
" packagerows = packagerows & "
Additional storage at £" & Tbl_xtraUser & " for each 1GB
+" & session("extrasInput" & Tbl_packageid) & "
£" & session("extrasPrice" & Tbl_packageid) & "
" & dropdown & "
" else packagerows = packagerows & "
" & infoBtn & "
" & Tbl_packname & "
" & Tbl_user & "
£" & Tbl_packprice & "
" & cartcheck & "
" if not (Tbl_productID = "PK_EP_142") and not (Tbl_productID = "PK_EP_143") and not (Tbl_productID = "PK_EP_145") then packagerows = packagerows & "
Additional users at £" & Tbl_xtraUser & " each
+" & session("extrasInput" & Tbl_packageid) & "
£" & session("extrasPrice" & Tbl_packageid) & "
" & dropdown & "
" end if end if '========== end MfL stuff if session("extrasInput" & Tbl_packageid) < 1 then session("extrasInput" & Tbl_packageid) = 0 end if Subtotal = Subtotal + Tbl_packprice + session("extrasPrice" & Tbl_packageid) totalquantArray = totalquantArray + session("extrasPrice" & Tbl_packageid) Wend end if rs.Close VATPrice = formatNumber(Subtotal /100 * 20,2) TotalandVAT = Subtotal + VATPrice pagerowsTotal = pagerowsTotal & "
£" & Subtotal &"
" if(MfLprods > 2) then MfLdiscount = formatNumber(Subtotal /100 * 20,2) VATPrice = formatNumber((Subtotal-MfLdiscount) /100 * 20,2) TotalandVAT = Subtotal - MfLdiscount + VATPrice pagerowsTotal = pagerowsTotal & "
Discount for " & MfLprods & " Language packages:
-£" & MfLdiscount & "
" end if pagerowsTotal = pagerowsTotal & "
£" & VATPrice &"
" pagerowsTotal = pagerowsTotal & "
£" & TotalandVAT & "
" packagerows = packagerows & pagerowsTotal if Len(session("cartArray")) < 1 then response.Redirect("pro_order.asp") end if '--------------------------------------------------- ' Set the default labels for fields '--------------------------------------------------- fullNameLabel = "Contact name:" addressLabel = "Centre address:" postCodeLabel = "Postcode:" positionLabel = "Your position:" despatchLabel = "Email my licence" emailLabel = "Centre email:
(for log-in details)" emailLabel2 = "Re-enter email:" countrylabel = "Country:" financeLabel = "Finance email:" financeLabel2 = "Re-enter email:" '------------------------------------- 'set the validation flags for later '------------------------------------- errFlag = 0 errFlag2 = 0 mailFlag = 0 emailerr = 0 financeerr = 0 '------------------------------------------------ 'SC is the DFES number from the search results '------------------------------------------------ '--------------------------------------------------- ' Get the single school if there is a DFES '--------------------------------------------------- SC = request("sc") PROG_price = 1000 havebought = "" packname = "" if Len(SC) > 1 then session("SC") = SC SC = session("SC") MYSQL = "EXEC WEB_CheckIfOrderedOnline @SC='" & SC & "' " rs.Open MYSQL, Conn while not rs.EOF packageid = rs("packageid") packname = rs("Name") updprice = rs("updateprice") packprice = rs("price") loyaltyprice = rs("loyaltyprice") purchaseCount = rs.RecordCount if purchaseCount = -1 then havebought = "Thank you for renewing your annual licence" else havebought = "" end if rs.MoveNext Wend rs.close if Len(sc) > 4 then returnString = "This is not my centre, return to the post code search." MYSQL = "EXEC GetSingleSchool @dfes='" & SC & "'" rs.Open MYSQL, DataConn if not rs.EOF then 'email = rs("email") addressComplete = rs("addressComplete") postCode = rs("postCode") dfes = rs("dfes") org = rs("org") telephone = rs("telephone") 'fax = rs("fax") end if rs.close end if showOrderOptions = 1 if request("clicked") = "1" then email = request("email") email2 = request("email2") financeemail = request("financeemail") financeemail2 = request("financeemail2") addressComplete = request("addressComplete") postCode = request("postCode") dfes = request("dfes") org = request("org") telephone = request("telephone") fullname = request("fullname") maildespatch =request("mailDespatch") schoolOrder=request("schoolOrder") vat = request("vat") agreeTerms = request("agreeTerms") promo_code = request("promo_code") promo_source = request("promo_sourceform") '------------------------ ' Here are the products '------------------------ productArray = session("cartArray") '------------------------ ' validate user entry '------------------------ fullname = validate(request("fullname")) org = validate(request("org")) addressComplete = validate(request("addressComplete")) postCode = validate(request("postCode")) position = validate(request("position")) job = validate(request("job")) dfes = validate(request("dfes")) vat = validate(request("vat")) schoolOrder = validate(request("schoolOrder")) telephone = validate(request("telephone")) email = validate(request("email")) email2 = validate(request("email2")) financeemail = validate(request("financeemail")) promo_code = validate(request("promo_code")) promo_source = validate(request("promo_sourceform")) if email <> email2 then emailerr = 1 end if if financeemail <> financeemail2 then financeerr = 1 end if if request.form("agreeTerms") <> "" Then errFlag2 = 0 agreeTerms = "1" else errFlag2 = 1 end if if Len(ProductArray) < 2 then errFlag = 1 response.redirect("OrderForm.asp?er=1") end if if Len(fullname) < 2 then errFlag = 1 fullNameLabel = "Contact Name:" 'CountryLabel = "Country:" errtext = "Please include your contact name.
" end if if country = "0" then errFlag = 1 countrylabel = "Country:" end if if Len(addressComplete) < 10 then errFlag = 1 addressLabel = "Centre address:" end if if Len(postcode) < 4 then errFlag = 1 postCodeLabel = "Postcode:" end if if Len(email) < 5 then 'errFlag = 1 if InStr(email,"@") = 0 or InStr(email,".") = 0 then errFlag = 1 emailLabel = "Centre email:
(for log-in details)
" end if end if if Len(email) > 2 then if InStr(email,"@") = 0 or InStr(email,".") = 0 then mailFlag = 1 emailLabel = "Email address:
(for log-in details)
" end if end if if Len(financeemail) < 5 then 'errFlag = 1 if InStr(financeemail,"@") = 0 or InStr(financeemail,".") = 0 then financeerr = 1 financeLabel = "Finance email:" end if end if if Len(financeemail) > 2 then if InStr(financeemail,"@") = 0 or InStr(financeemail,".") = 0 then financeerr = 1 'financeLabel = "Please provide an email address for your finance department:" end if end if if mailDespatch = "1" and (mailflag = 1) then mailFlag = 1 emailLabel = "Email address:
(for log-in details)
" despatchLabel = "send me my licence via email" end if emailhighlight = "" financefail = "" emailfail = "#999999" if errFlag2 = 1 then errText2="You must agree to the Conditions of Order
" if mailFlag = 1 and errFlag = 1 then errText = errText & "Email address is not valid.
" if mailFlag = 1 and errFlag = 0 then errText = errText & "Email address is not valid.
" if emailerr = 1 then emailfail = "red" errText = errText & "Emails do not match.
" emailLabel = "Email address:
(for log-in details)
" emailLabel2 = "Re-enter email:" end if if Len(email) = 0 then errFlag = 1 errText = errText & "An email address is required.
" emailLabel = "Email address:
(for log-in details)
" end if if len(job) < 2 then errflag = 1 errtext = errtext & "Please include your position.
" positionLabel = "Your position:" end if if financeerr = 1 then financefail = "red" financeLabel = "Finance email:" financeLabel2 = "Re-enter email:" financehighlight="finance emails do not match" errText = errText & "A valid finance email address is required." end if '------------------------------------- '--- Process / save the order here '------------------------------------- if errFlag = 0 AND mailFlag = 0 AND errFlag2 = 0 AND emailerr = 0 AND financeerr = 0 then '---------------------------------------- 'Create the MD5 string for this order '---------------------------------------- Set L = Server.CreateObject("MD5.Encode") MD5 = L.Process(date() & time() & fullname & postcode & session.sessionID) Set L = nothing '------------------------------------- 'Set the vars to support apostrophes '------------------------------------- session("MyArray") = MyArray MyArray = split(session("cartArray"),",") 'MyArray = Array(session("cartArray")) max=ubound(MyArray)' For i=0 to max For j=i+1 to max if MyArray(i)>MyArray(j) then TemporalVariable=MyArray(i) MyArray(i)=MyArray(j) MyArray(j)=TemporalVariable end if next next email = LEFT(replace(request("email"),"'","''"),50) addressComplete = LEFT(replace(request("addressComplete"),"'","''"),1000) postCode = LEFT(replace(request("postCode"),"'","''"),20) dfes = LEFT(replace(request("dfes"),"'","''"),20) vat = LEFT(replace(request("vat"),"'","''"),20) org = LEFT(replace(request("org"),"'","''"),500) telephone = LEFT(replace(request("telephone"),"'","''"),50) fullname = LEFT(replace(request("fullname"),"'","''"),100) maildespatch =request("mailDespatch") confirmMail = request("confirmMail") schoolOrder=replace(request("schoolOrder"),"'","''") productArray = replace(session("cartArray")," ","") country = request("country") financeemail = LEFT(replace(request("financeemail"),"'","''"),100) job = LEFT(replace(request("job"),"'","''"),50) agreeTerms = request("agreeTerms") quantArray = replace(quantArray," ","") totalquantArray = replace(totalquantArray," ","") promo_code=replace(request("promo_code"),"'","''") promo_source=request("promo_sourceform") '---------------------- 'save to the database '---------------------- IP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") UA = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") MySql = "EXEC submitPackageOrder " 'used to be PackageOrderSP MySql = MySql & "@org = '" & org & "'," MySql = MySql & "@job = '" & job & "'," MySql = MySql & "@dfes = '" & dfes & "'," MySql = MySql & "@postcode = '" & postcode & "'," MySql = MySql & "@telephone = '" & telephone & "'," MySql = MySql & "@vat = '" & vat & "'," MySql = MySql & "@fullname = '" & fullname & "'," MySql = MySql & "@email = '" & email & "'," MySql = MySql & "@financeemail = '" & financeemail & "'," MySql = MySql & "@mailingAddress = '" & addressComplete & "'," MySql = MySql & "@agreeTerms = '" & agreeTerms & "'," MySql = MySql & "@ArrayProducts = '" & join(MyArray,",") & "'," MySql = MySql & "@quantArray = '" & quantArray & "'," MySql = MySql & "@totalquantArray = '" & totalquantArray & "'," MySql = MySql & "@maildespatch = '" & maildespatch & "'," MySql = MySql & "@MD5 = '" & MD5 & "',@confirmMail = '" & confirmMail & "'," MySql = MySql & "@IP = '" & IP & "'," MySql = MySql & "@UA = '" & UA & "',@site='" & session("site") & "',@schoolOrder='" & schoolOrder & "',@country='" & country & "'," MySql = MySql & "@promo_code = '" & promo_code & "'," MySql = MySql & "@promo_source = '" & promo_source & "'" rs.Open MYSQL, DataConn Set DataConn = nothing '------------------------------------- 'clear the user session and redirect '------------------------------------- 'session.abandon response.redirect("confirmPackageOrder.asp?s=" & MD5) end if end if progbar = "" Session.Timeout=500 %> Exampro - Order Exampro today
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<% = havebought %>

3. Add users and submit your order

<% = packagerows %>
<% if showOrderOptions = 1 then %> <% end if %>
Please provide us with a purchase order number if your centre has them in place as it will help with processing and tracking your order.

<% = errText %>
<% = fullnameLabel%>
DfE number:
Centre name:
VAT number:
<% = addressLabel %>
Purchase order:
<% = emailLabel %>
<% = emailLabel2 %>
<% = postCodeLabel %>
<% = positionLabel %>
<% = CountryLabel %> <% = GetCountryList(request("country")) %>
Where did you hear about Exampro?
If you have a promo code enter it here
The invoice for your order will be sent to the finance email address.
<% = financeLabel %>
<% = financeLabel2 %>

I agree to the terms and conditions and have read the privacy statement<% = errText2 %>

We are committed to the protection of your centre's details
and will not grant access to the data you provide to other companies.

<% set conn = nothing set cmd = nothing set rs = nothing %>