<% page = "products" %> Exampro - Mathematics


Exampro Maths provides you with online access to 4,700 exam questions, their associated mark schemes and examiner comments.

New: GCSE Maths spec 8300

Prepare for the new spec whilst teaching the current specifications. Discover hundreds of past exam and specimen questions mapped to the new specification.

Save time

Simply by dragging and dropping, you can turn questions into lessons, homework tasks, classroom discussions, topic tests or revision exercises. You can print, project or export the tasks to Word/PDF, and check all the solutions instantly.

Get to know what the examiners want

Examiner comments give you an insight into how marks are distributed and a review of common errors, allowing you to focus your teaching on weaker areas of your students' knowledge.

Get students used to exam conditions

Timings and marks for each question allow students to practise their exam technique, and how to apply the methods they've learned in class. You can instantly check the solutions for quick marking.

Receive free updates during your subscription

You will receive all updates for free while your subscription is valid.

"Exampro makes my job easy! It's good for ongoing assessment and with the help of the examiner comments, I can understand the common mistakes and remove misconceptions."

Erkan Saricoban, Maths Teacher, Atlantic International School

Summer for free

Buy any Exampro individual subject or package now and get the rest of summer free.

Quote code AQASummer

Available Subjects Price
GCSE Mathematics (4360/4365) £60 <% P2 = "AG_MATHS_D" P5 = MD5(P1 & P2 & P3 & P4 & shared_secret) %> demo
GCSE Mathematics (8300)  New £60 <% P2 = "AG_MAT_D" P5 = MD5(P1 & P2 & P3 & P4 & shared_secret) %> demo
GCSE Combined Maths  New £100
Secondary Maths Package £125
A-level Mathematics Pure £80 <% P2 = "AA_MACO_D" P5 = MD5(P1 & P2 & P3 & P4 & shared_secret) %> demo
A-level Mathematics Decision £80 <% P2 = "AA_MADE_D" P5 = MD5(P1 & P2 & P3 & P4 & shared_secret) %> demo
A-level Mathematics Mechanics £80 <% P2 = "AA_MAME_D" P5 = MD5(P1 & P2 & P3 & P4 & shared_secret) %> demo
A-level Mathematics Statistics £80 <% P2 = "AA_MAST_D" P5 = MD5(P1 & P2 & P3 & P4 & shared_secret) %> demo
A-level Mathematics Package £200
Additional Users* £10 each

* Every licence includes three concurrent users so any three teachers can use each database simultaneously but you can order additional users at any time.

plus VAT at
current rate